Skyrim game of thrones mod
Skyrim game of thrones mod

The appearance of this virtual Dany avatar captures Clarke's doe-eyed serenity that belies inner strength, and that alone might be reason enough to drop another hundred or so hours into Skyrim all over again.

skyrim game of thrones mod

You can even choose from one of three hairstyles, depending on which season of the show you want to capture. The ' Daenerys as a RaceMenu Preset' mod does exactly what it says, making Khaleesi an easily-selected preset for all four human races without the need to fiddle around with each aspect of face customization. Let me preempt any pedants out there: this mod by Shiva182 is by no means new, but people are always ready for more ways to enjoy Game of Thrones and/or Skyrim, and this is the quickest way you can make your protagonist look exactly like Emilia Clarke.

Skyrim game of thrones mod